Donald Cerrone

Donald Cerrone


United States


QUOTES BY Donald Cerrone

If you want to be the best, you've got to beat the best. The only problem is when I get that belt, who's going to be left to fight? That's what I want to know.

You don't have to get ready if you stay ready, alright? I'm always in the gym, always training, all the time.

The only thing I can do is fight. Win or lose, I'm here every damn time.

I live a wild and crazy life.

I thought I would be laying hardwood floors in Colorado - a construction worker. Middle class or working class, that's where I was! I just fought because I loved it. It was so fun! Being able to go in there and outthink your opponents.

I'm not trying to be anything other than the way I was born and raised.

The opponent never matters to me. That's something I've always said.

I eat a lot of candy. I can't survive without candy.

I just fell in love with the cowboy way of life.