Dove Cameron

Dove Cameron


United States


QUOTES BY Dove Cameron

My version of a good role model is everything that I have strived to become over the years, as I have a deep desire to live an honest life and give relentlessly and openly to people who look up to me.

I can't make eye contact when people sing 'Happy Birthday' to me.

Truthfully, I'm incredibly shy, and I'm very awkward around boys.

Laziness in my biggest pet peeve of all time. Get up, make a plan, do the work, and love yourself, people!

I haven't grown since I was 13, and every girl cast opposite me isn't allowed to wear heels on camera, for fear that I would look minuscule. In all of the casting calls for my best friends on every project, it says in big, bold, red letters: 'Please no high heels.' It's a little embarrassing.

I was from a tiny little island, which I always say is one corn field away from a horror film: it was, like, isolated, and everybody knew everybody, and you go to school with the grandkids of the grandparents that your grandparents went to school with.

I think girls especially get so caught up in thinking like, 'Oh I have to be prim or proper or fun and sunshiny' when, like, you can be literally anything. You can be mannish; you can do whatever, and it's acceptable.

It started in middle school. Once, a group of girls locked me in the janitor's closet. Another time, a girl spilled chocolate milk down a dress I made. Girls would try to trip me in the hallway.

I don't want to have to think about what is right; I want to live right. And what that means to me is going to be different to some of my fans, some of their parents, and some other role models.