Dylan Lauren

Dylan Lauren


United States


QUOTES BY Dylan Lauren

I believe dancing is the best stress reliever.

Believe in yourself, listen to your gut, and do what you love.

My parents always told me, 'Do what you love because that is what you will do well in.' They told me to make sure that you are happy.

I always saw candy as art.

My favorite genre is definitely romantic comedy. I love 'When Harry Met Sally.'

Sugar and chocolate, anything that boosts your serotonin levels, is something people, I think, crave.

People will say candy is recession-proof, and we're definitely seeing nostalgic candies coming about, and people want that sugar rush and that nostalgic happiness, like their childhood times.

Candy is childhood, the best and bright moments you wish could have lasted forever.

Pinterest has been helpful to my business. Making inspiration boards is really key to developing products. When I was getting married, I literally cut out tear sheets and put my own boards together. Had I known about Pinterest, I would have been able to do it so much more easily.