Eden Hazard

Eden Hazard




QUOTES BY Eden Hazard

If I ever leave, it'll be after winning a championship. You need to go out on a high so that people remember you for the right reasons.

Why change? If you're happy, and things are going really well at one place, there is no need to change.

My first trophy in France was the Young Player of the Year. I was 17. Chelsea is not just one player. It is not only me. We have signed a lot of players. Now we have some good signings like Cesc Fabregas and Diego Costa.

You mustn't smile when you lose. You have to be sad like other people. You have to win every game.

We are professionals. We know when we're playing badly, so if you have a poor game, you work in training to put things right so form comes back.

I played without fear. I've done that since I first kicked a ball in my back garden as a five-year-old, whether it's been my first game, my 100th game, or my 500th game.

It never became an obsession for me to score at all costs. I've always said that I'm not a big scorer, I'm a worker.

That's my mentality. Just because somebody has fouled me, there is no reason for me to be nasty to him. I try to respect football as much as possible, and when someone is injured, you put the ball out.

I'm somebody who can laugh even at myself. That happens now and again, when I've made a mess of really simple things.