Logan Pearsall Smith

Logan Pearsall Smith


United Kingdom


Logan Pearsall Smith was born October 18, 1865, in Millville, N.J., and died March 2, 1946. He was the son of Robert Pearsall and Hanna Whitall Smith. He studied at Harverford College, Harvard and Balliol College in Oxford, England. Author and critic. Smith received his ordination from Walter Pater. His work consists ofigigrams. Among his works include The Youth of Parnassus, and Other Stories (1895), Trivia (1902), Afterthents (1931), and Last Words (1933). He has also authored literary and critical texts such as The Life and Letters of Sir Henry Wotton (1907), On Read Shakespeare (1933), and his autobiography Unforgotten Year (1938). In his later years he wrote extensively for books, especially for his younger readers such as Robert Gathorne-Hardy, John Russell, Desmond MacCarthy, R.C. Trevelyn, and Hugh Trevor-Roper.

QUOTES BY Logan Pearsall Smith

What humbugs we are, who pretend to live for Beauty, and never see the Dawn!

"You have to leave your heart to get on with it. It's rather like breathing. We don't have to remind ourselves to breathe."

"Do you realise that people die of boredom in London suburbs? It's the second biggest cause of death amongs the English in general. Sheer boredom..."

"Sorry about your sausage dog."

"We should be careful of the insults we fling at others, lest they return and land at our feet, newly minted to apply to those who had first coined them."

"There was a distinction between lying and telling half-truths, but it was a very narrow one."

"How many of us are happy to be exactly where we are at any moment?...only the completely happy think that they are in the correct place."

"This was a townscape raised in the teeth of cold winds from the east; a city of winding cobbled streets and haughty pillars; a city of dark nights and candlelight, and intellect."

"If more women were in power, they wouldn't let wars break out," she said. "Women can't be bothered with all this fighting. We see war for what it is- a matter of broken bodies and crying mothers."

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