Eniola Aluko

Eniola Aluko


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Eniola Aluko

Sometimes it's easier to chase a title than it is to lead.

My father was a politician. My grandfather was a politician too, maybe it's an innate idea of representing people that we have in our family. I won't go into politics. I think I can provide the voice for the voiceless through law.

I was obsessed with the character Atticus Finch. I really liked the idea of having a voice for the voiceless, getting someone justice against the odds. That really resonated with me.

Something about the WSL is that the margins for error are very small. In the Premier League you can get away with losing a couple of games, but the women's league is so short and the leaders tend to set the bar so high that if you lose a couple of games your title hopes are over.

For all his tactical genius Guardiola is also a manager who can be patient and loyal, who backs players to come out of bad patches and hit golden patches.

We can be tackled but referees are there to police dangerous challenges. Forwards are protected by the laws of the game and the way it's played, while defenders and midfielders have to throw themselves about a bit more.

To stay healthy, I like to eat healthy food. For example a lot of meat, pasta, vegetables and I also have to drink a lot of water and drinks with electrolytes in them.

I really enjoyed my degree. But there's so many people I went to uni with that didn't.

Standing up for what you believe in and being honest, telling the truth are all very liberating things.