Enzo Amore

Enzo Amore


United States


QUOTES BY Enzo Amore

I've never worn the same pair of shoes twice, ever. That's a fact.

That used to be what I grew up on - which is the Attitude Era, because you never knew what was going to happen next.

I would say that my forte is cutting the line. My entire life's work is me having zero patience and not waiting in a line.

Adrian Neville, who's my best friend, I rode with him on the road. He was the most crisp, athletic, poignant guy - never missed a step. It was insane. I had never seen anybody who could move in a wrestling ring like him; it was like second-nature to him. Flips - name it - agile jumping in and out of the ring effortlessly to the top rope like crazy.

I had a great relationship with Vince McMahon.

Most people say when they get on screen, the most successful acts are people who are just themselves and turn the volume up. But in my situation, I gotta turn the volume down.

My microphone skills were developed at a young age watching my dad on the microphone. My dad DJ'ed bar mitzvahs, bat mitzvahs, things of that nature.

I travelled with Neville; he is my road dog. We travelled on NXT and FCW before that. He opened my eyes to a whole genre of music in reggae.

You finish the damn match, point blank, period. That's it, and I always finish, even if I'm finishing on my back.