Evangeline Lilly

Evangeline Lilly




QUOTES BY Evangeline Lilly

If you can't sit in a cafe quietly and be ignored, how can you observe human nature and write a story?

I never developed hard cartilage in my ears because I played with them since I was a baby. I can fold my ear entirely inside out, and I can put the whole thing inside itself.

I'm very proud of being a woman, and as a woman, I don't even like the word 'feminism' because when I hear that word, I associate it with women trying to pretend to be men, and I'm not interested in trying to pretend to be a man. I don't want to embrace manhood; I want to embrace my womanhood.

Every woman is after a kind of classy image.

The world is full of opportunities, and I want to try as many as I possibly can.

In my world, I don't believe in forever promises. I don't think it's realistic.

Even if you're unhappy, just pretend that you're happy. Eventually, your smile will be contagious to yourself. I had to learn that. I used to think, 'I'm being fake,' but you know what? Better to be fake and happy than real and miserable.

When I hear the words 'Women should be barefoot and pregnant and in the kitchen,' I think, 'What. A. Dream.' There are no negative connotations to it.

I dance around my living room to cheesy '80s aerobics music until I'm sweating really hard!

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