Fiona Bruce

Fiona Bruce


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Fiona Bruce

Think Oman, and you think desert. But what we found was mile after mile of barren, spiky rubble, cliffs of jutting sharp rocks, unrelieved by a single piece of vegetation or water. We drove for hours across what felt like the surface of the moon. We saw goats foraging but couldn't work out what they could possibly be eating.

Pudding is my favourite part of any meal and I always have one if I can manage it.

You can't beat a good millefeuille, which is basically a posh custard slice. Yum!

Thailand was a revelation to me; the landscapes, the culture, the food and the people.

My own valuation moment: When I started 'Antiques Roadshow,' John Benjamin looked at my engagement ring, which is Victorian. I sat there as a visitor would and he dated it, talked me through the stone, which is an opal, and which mine it would have been from.

I've been on camels before, lumbering slowly through the desert - not hugely exciting, but I enjoyed the 'Lawrence of Arabia' vibe.

Most visitors to Iceland tend to spend just a few hours in Reykjavik before moving on to the geological wonders beyond. I think they are missing out.

My Duke of Edinburgh interview for his 90th in June 2011 was not one of my successes. I knew what to expect: there were some very uncomfortable moments and put-downs, but I think it made for entertaining viewing.

If I were to say anything to my 18-year-old self, it would be, 'Loosen up. Chill out.'