Flying Lotus

Flying Lotus


United States


QUOTES BY Flying Lotus

I go through phases when I'm super into my anime stuff.

I wish I could write music notation. Even if I couldn't play it, I wish I could just write it.

'Cosmogramma' is basically the studies that map out the universe and the relations of heaven and hell.

I know what it's like listening to Aphex Twin driving down the beach.

I believe there's more than this - that maybe, when we die, our brains conjure up some kind of shutdown experience, and that's what people try to sum up as the afterlife.

It's okay to not be working all the time and to be gentle on yourself when you're not. When it feels like you're losing that inspiration - or you're in a rut, not making stuff, and your head gets all weird - be gentle on yourself. Just ease into things naturally. But you still have to ease into it: you still have to sit in the chair.

I like to stay in the space of creativity, and I want to go towards that all the time.

I'm so thankful that I had music to turn to in the dark times and be able to understand myself through it.

I always feel like the past informs my present musically.