Francois Hollande

Francois Hollande




QUOTES BY Francois Hollande

We have chased away the clouds, the sky is all 'rose.'

I bow down in memory of the victims, and I come to tell my Armenian friends that we will never forget the tragedies that your people has endured.

Long live the Republic, and long live France.

I am not deaf. I hear the anger. I see the dissatisfaction, and I have to go faster.

Nothing was given to me, nothing was entrusted to me, nothing was assigned to me. Everything I have, I took by right.

The fight against global warming is a humanitarian issue - how the planet can be preserved - and it is also an issue of considerable economic importance, of what we call green growth.

I am for a clear distinction between public and private life. I believe private matters should be regulated in private and I have asked those close to me to respect this.

I attach the greatest importance to an amplification of the peace efforts in the Middle East. I would also like to see a greater dialogue between the U.S. and the EU.

During a term in office there are highs and lows, but what counts is that the goal is set as well as the means to achieve it, and the force we put into getting results.

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