Gabriella Wilson

Gabriella Wilson


United States


QUOTES BY Gabriella Wilson

As a person, I'm just trying to be better than I was yesterday and continue to elevate.

I'd rather have quality over quantity. It's about perfecting each song and making sure it's what you want to do. And then even with what I share it's all very strategic.

I go to my mom's house and she'll make me do the dishes or clean up.

Some people, they make these assumptions before they even listen to the music.

To live your truth and sing your truth, that defines success.

I always feel like we focus too much on image and the flashiness of what it means to be an artist.

I never really thought of myself as someone who was gifted.

We live in an era of social media. We care more about looks, popularity and followers than about real music. And I wanted to get away from that.

Sometimes it's all about hype, and I didn't want hype.

VIEW MORE QUOTES BY Gabriella Wilson