Garbine Muguruza

Garbine Muguruza




QUOTES BY Garbine Muguruza

Once you taste the sweet honey, you want more of that.

I don't have superstitions because I think sometimes they work against you because, if something happens to disturb them, you feel nervous.

It's so rewarding to succeed in what you like to do that you don't really think about what you have to give up.

I think I'm always nervous, even if I play not on the center court.

I just thought at Wimbledon I was very nervous.

I always play with a very high ponytail so that my hair doesn't bother me.

Sometimes when you go into the match, you want it so badly. I think sometimes is tricky. It makes you a little bit, like, tense and nervous.

I was about three years old when I started playing in Venezuela with my two older brothers. They're 12 and 11 years older, so I was always the little one.

The best thing is being part of history and achieving something you've dreamed of.

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