Gautam Rode

Gautam Rode




QUOTES BY Gautam Rode

When I was a kid, I loved having muffins and cupcakes and I still like them with coffee.

There is a beauty of seeing a picture and making out what the story behind it might be.

When I am travelling or shooting outdoors, and if there is no gym around, I do pull-ups. If there is a bar somewhere, I manage push-ups, squats, and generally I just sweat it out in the room or my vanity van. But I make sure my workout regime is never hampered at any cost!

I was a very ziddi kid. One Diwali, I was hell-bent on lighting an anaar on my palm, and it burst on my palm! It is not a great memory but I still remember that.

Each medium has its own beauty and way of working. While television offers immense reach and long-running shows, films are shorter and they are presented differently. With theatre, it's the thrill of instant feedback.

I have been a vegetarian for a few years now, and I am honestly managing it quite well in sync with my workouts and maintaining my physique as well. From whey protein to cottage cheese to tofu, all my proteins, carbs and far content are well in place and balanced.

Christmas is a really special day since I support the initiative 'Helping Hands' and I celebrate Christmas with the kids there. I take them to a place they would enjoy, like a hotel or fun zone and spend time with them as we play together and I become Santa for them.

Every year, till class ninth, I used to visit Kanpur during my vacations. I still remember during vacations, I used to have great fun with my relatives.

No matter how tired I am, or whether I have injured my back or neck while shooting, I don't ever miss the gym.