Gemma Collins

Gemma Collins


United Kingdom

Television Presenter

QUOTES BY Gemma Collins

What do sharks do on Monday mornings? They get up and start biting. That's me.

I think it's acceptable to eat custard on Sundays.

I see ghosts all the time, all the time.

I bought myself a bike in isolation and a helmet and I love it. It's built my confidence up because not everyone is confident in exercise.

I'm a massive fan of the dictionary.

I can do Tarot cards and all that.

I've been so lucky with everything that has happened to me.

I'm always surrounded by crazy people, but when I come back to the country I'm into my plants, I love gardening, I love bird watching and I absolutely love nature.

I believe there are lizards living amongst us. Do these humans who appear to be humans and look like us and act like us, go into the tunnels where their human faces, their human bodies - do they retract back into being lizards when they go into the tunnels?