Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

Gloria Macapagal Arroyo




QUOTES BY Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

I sow; my successor reaps. This is the majesty of democracy.

The power of one, if fearless and focused, is formidable, but the power of many working together is better.

We have to be bold in our national ambitions. First, we must win the fight against poverty within the next decade. Second, we must improve moral standards in government and society to provide a strong foundation for good governance. Third, we must change the character of our politics to promote fertile ground for reforms.

Agrarian reform should not merely subdivide misery, it must raise living standards. Ownership raises the farmer from his, but productivity will keep him on his feet.

College education is the great Filipino dream. But in a world of rapid technological change, getting a job or keeping it depends as much on how well one reasons as how well one uses his hands.

Our political system needs changing. It needs to move away from personalities and patronage to a system of party programs and consultation with the people.

Optimism is infectious, and opportunity irresistible. Progress follows progress. Someone, even government, just has to get it started.

I will follow my father's footsteps by doing what is right, and God will take care of the rest. My father is my role model. My living role model is Cory Aquino.

The Philippines and the U.S. have had a strong relationship with each other for a very long time now. We have a shared history. We have shared values, democracy, freedom, and we have been in all the wars together in modern history, the World War, Second World War, Cold War, Vietnam, Korea, now the war on terrorism.

VIEW MORE QUOTES BY Gloria Macapagal Arroyo