Gord Downie

Gord Downie




QUOTES BY Gord Downie

As you get older, you mellow, but there's a natural propensity to watch what you say, 'cause you learn that you want more time and space to craft what you want to say because you're less likely to want to say impetuous things, or things that aren't thought-out properly.

I'm a music fan - I love meeting other musicians, I love talking to other musicians - and what greater opportunity to take advantage of whatever standing we might have to try and attract people? To say 'We don't know you, but we love you, and will you come play with us?' Sometimes they actually do.

I'm a dancer. It's what I love to do more than anything.

To be honest, I think affiliation is anathema - if you're a rock 'n' roller, you're a lone wolf.

If you're aiming for a hole in one, and you get one, you feel lucky - but at the same time you can justifiably say, 'Well, I was aiming for the hole anyway.'

It's time to listen to the stories of the Indigenous; we are blessed as a country to look to the wisdom of a really old country.

We're not building a nuclear reactor here. We're not drilling a mile beneath the surface of the ocean with no plan in case something goes wrong. This is making music, this is melodious air and people can hear what goes into it.

I'm interested in doing anything that teaches me something.

When you're opening for someone, there's no pressure.