Grace Potter

Grace Potter


United States


QUOTES BY Grace Potter

I'm legally blind in one eye, and one eye is a totally different size than the other, and I have, like, a weird crossed-eye thing.

Voting is something that we all have a right to. It's not something that we have to do... it's absolutely an honor and a great opportunity to be heard.

Love yourself. Then find something to love beyond yourself.

Tearing down an old house and building a new one is the most wasteful thing we do as humans.

The longevity of a band is really contingent on loving the people that you're making music with and being able to get along in the long run. It's just like being married, except you're married to more than one person!

I was like a closet makeup fiend as a little girl because I knew that I would be guffawed at in school if I wore too much makeup.

I was a general contractor when I was paying for my first record.

My dad turned me onto Led Zeppelin, the Stones, and the Who, but Madonna and pop music came from my mom.

My parents raised me on Spooky Tooth and The Band, Derek and the Dominoes, the Beatles, Bob Dylan, all that stuff. Rock n' roll was just in my subconscious.