Graeme Souness

Graeme Souness


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Graeme Souness

You can't win any trophies unless you've got a top goalkeeper.

Whatever happens will happen, that's the rollercoaster of life. What matters is how you handle the slumps.

For a lot of lads, they grow up going to matches with fathers or mates. Those Saturday or Sundays where you head over to the stadium probably with a scarf on - knowing every word, every clap and every pause to the supporters' chants.

We've got to keep the cost of watching football down. If that means players getting the same money for a few years rather than a 25 per cent increase every time, that's fine.

I was not satisfied at Rangers, not by a long way. I have hassles there, I had obstacles placed in front of me, and certain things never sat easily on my shoulders, and never will.

I can earn a great deal more money by playing football outside Scotland than I could in Scotland, but I'd still like to be player-manager of Rangers one day.

I accept that I sometimes overstepped the mark, but I can tell you that, off the pitch, I've never been an overly aggressive person.

If you insist on playing Jorginho, who is neat and tidy but not a goal threat, you have to have goal threats on either side of him.

If you win the Premier League it means you have managed the difficult moments of the season better than anyone else.