Guy Martin

Guy Martin


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Guy Martin

Not everybody would choose to be a firefighter or an ambulance driver. Not everyone wants to see the nasty bits of life.

I'll always give it my all, and to be with a quality manufacturer like BMW is mega.

I don't go out. I work, go racing, then go to my shed and make things.

If you get beaten, and you know that you tried your hardest and kept your focus, then that's all you can do.

When I crash during a race and injure myself, what's the point in whinging? Because I put myself in that position. No one's making me race motorbikes - I want to go and race motorbikes. The most annoying thing for me is lying in hospital and not being able to get to work. I get beside myself.

People who race bikes don't talk about crashes. They keep going.

I've had sideburns since I was 16, but back then, a gust of wind would have blown them off.

I get home from work at six or seven. When I'm busy, I set my alarm for three, get out of bed at quarter past three. I have a cup of tea and read a magazine and take the dogs for a walk up the lane. Go through my text messages and reply to anything that needs it, then get my biking gear on ready to cycle to work.

If I'd done 'Top Gear,' I would have had to have left my job, and I've got the best job in the world. To do 'Top Gear' and do it properly would mean leaving work, and I can't. I don't want to leave work.