Henry Golding

Henry Golding


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Henry Golding

The joy of tasting different cultures is it gives you a broad perspective, and you don't judge people from stereotypical characters you see in films.

Bali is one of those places you can just keep going back to, and everything is there: the infrastructure, the culture, the art, the beautiful villas. My wife Liv and I go there quite often because we know that when we do arrive, it's like an instant holiday.

You can hit the proverbial roof at certain areas in the industry unless you venture out. And I never really set out in my career to stay in one place. I wanted to go out and try new things. Luckily, I've had that opportunity.

No one knows the three-dimensional story of who I am. Or anyone is.

We've all been that young love, trying to impress the in-laws or having these crazy cousins that we're related to by blood - we can't choose them as sort of friends, but they're there.

Bali is the sort of place where you can walk down the street and find something picturesque.

I'm neither half white nor half Asian. I'm full both.

You need to take pride in where you're from.

I was born in the jungles of Borneo.