Henry Mancini

Henry Mancini


United States


QUOTES BY Henry Mancini

I score everything by hand on manuscript paper and then make copies.

The great thing about a record is it frees your imagination; it gives your eyes a rest and lets your mind wander. There's the special thing that each record can mean a different thing to every person listening to it.

I've done entire scores for I don't know how many films and series. I never kept track; I suppose it's up in the hundreds.

My wife and I never squabbled in front of the children. We never touched each other except in love.

I compose the music according to the nature of the show. 'Peter Gunn's' focus was violence so that was my key.

Success is not usually easy or fast.

In times of stress, I frequently remind myself that I'm doing what I want to do most and that's what really counts.

Writing for TV or films isn't great art. You have to have a common denominator. It's up to the composer to make that common denominator memorable.

I just think the time and where I was brought up had a great deal to do in giving me the ambition to kind of get out and do something and not go into the steel mill.