Herm Edwards

Herm Edwards


United States


QUOTES BY Herm Edwards

There's good times and bad times. That's part of the coaching. You live with the ups and downs of it but at the end, it's about not only winning games, it's about developing men.

In life, there's second chances. But that doesn't mean everyone gets a second chance with your team. That's where your moral compass comes in.

I'm very observant. I see more than people think I'm seeing.

I've always said that your attitude is your best friend and your worst enemy.

The thing you miss most, when you don't play and you don't coach, is the huddle. You miss the huddle. You miss the ability to walk in the room where collectively players are from everywhere. Every race, every religion, every color. It don't matter, because you've got a common goal. You're trying to be something special as a team.

If you draft a player to be a backup, why did you draft him? You're drafting a guy because you think he's worthy of being drafted at that spot, but you're also drafting him because you think he can compete. If you're going to say, 'This guy's a backup,' - really? That doesn't make any sense to me.

No one player is bigger than the team.

I grew up in the early '60s, and there was a lot of civil rights, a lot of unrest in our country.

You don't quit in sports. You retire. You don't get to quit. It's not an option.