Hill Harper

Hill Harper


United States


QUOTES BY Hill Harper

You never know what's going on in someone's life. You never know what's really going on behind what they present.

My friend is a former race car driver, so he races for Mercedes, and I root for him. I have a car that I love to race, I'll take it to the track.

Fundamentally, we all want the same thing. We want to love. We want to be loved, and we want to matter.

My first two books, 'Letters to a Young Brother' and 'Letters to a Young Sister,' were... distributed pretty widely. Judges in juvenile justice facilities started citing the book as required reading.

Once you have a felony conviction on your record, one of the most difficult things to do is to break the cycle of recidivism.

The word 'courage,' one of my favorite words, the root or the etymology of that word is 'cour,' which means heart. I think true courage is actually following your heart and not getting or succumbing to what other people's definition of what your life should be. Live your life.

You deserve a great life. I want to see you become unreasonably happy. And you can. And you will.

I champion the idea of being more conscious. I call it being an active architect of your own life. Building your life like an architect builds a structure.

You can live a healthy lifestyle and do the best to be aware of your body and conscious, and that's what I attempt to do.