Hope Solo

Hope Solo


United States



I've been through a lot of things in my personal and family life. That turned me into a fighter. I always strive to be the best I possibly can.

I think it's my personality to overcome things, learn from them and become stronger, both personally and professionally. To be honest, I welcome those hardships.

There are so many different walks of life, so many different personalities in the world. And no longer do you have to be a chameleon and try and adapt to that environment - you can truly be yourself.

My life is a beautiful struggle.

I am pushed by my critics. I don't want to say I want to prove them wrong, but it pushes me on the field to play with a chip on my shoulder, and I play best when I have a chip on my shoulder.

One thing I've learned through all the ups and downs is that if you're doing things right, then you have a core group of people. Not just a core group like your homies or your buddies, but a group of people that has a good influence on you, who you respect and admire, and you know that if they're on your side, you're doing something right.

I take everything with a grain of salt.

My confidence comes from the daily grind - training my butt off day in and day out.

I am proud of who I am, and nobody's going to steal that.