Ian Brown

Ian Brown


United Kingdom



I liked him, that Jarvis Cocker. I like the fact he was androgynous, he could appeal to everybody. He wasn't just a lad pretending to be a thug.

My biggest fault is that I give people too much credit. Then they let you down. I'm 99.9 per cent perfect - that's how I look at myself and, therefore, everybody else too.

Hell is being stuck in a lift with Elton John and the Queen Mother.

Putting another human being above yourself isn't healthy. I think it's capitalistic.

I gave it up three weeks before my black belt, foolishly. I got to my third brown belt and must have trained for 18 months but never went for it. I was nearly 18 and got this thing in my head about, ' Who are they to grade me?' Trying to be a rebel when I should have done it. It's my only regret, not going for a black belt.

I'd like to change the world. Eradicate poverty, racism, and sexism... all the usual things.

Maybe if you see me begging on the streets, you might find me doing The Stone Roses the next day.

People in Russia learned English off the Beatles. People in Japan learned English off the Stone Roses. Noel Gallagher says music can't change the world, but the Roses made him want to start a group, so it changed his world.

I see The Stone Roses in '89 as Technicolor: we were all about joy and possibilities of life.