Ilhan Omar

Ilhan Omar


United States


QUOTES BY Ilhan Omar

Every student has something to offer, and every student deserves a nurturing learning environment.

Hope will be found by understanding that diversity is the essence of the American Dream and why we need each other to fulfill it.

I am much more interested in defending my ideas than defending my identities.

I believe women and minorities often wait for permission to be invited to something; we need to stop doing that.

If we are not actively fighting against regressive ideologies, we are contributing to making them grow.

We must see others' struggles as our own, and their success as our success, so we can speak to our common humanity.

I've always said you get what you organize for.

I believe in the ideals of America, in liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness.

As an immigrant, I truly believed when I was coming to this country that people had the tools necessary to life to live a life that is prosperous, that is just and free. So, every single day, I am shocked with the hypocrisy of this country. That we are the wealthiest nation in the world. But we cannot figure out how to house our homeless people.