Isabella Rossellini

Isabella Rossellini




QUOTES BY Isabella Rossellini

True elegance for me is the manifestation of an independent mind.

Women who stay true to themselves are always more interesting and beautiful to me: women like Frida Kahlo, Georgia O'Keeffe and Anna Magnani - women who have style, chic, allure and elegance. They didn't submit to any standard of beauty - they defined it.

If we are completely honest with ourselves, everyone has a dark side to their personalities.

I started modeling at 28. I'm 5-feet-7 1/2, and I never went on a diet. I followed what my doctor told me: 'It's good to have a little bit of fat. Your weight is fine. Don't go any lighter.'

In interviews, the first question I get in America is always: 'What do you do to stay young?' I do nothing. I don't think aging is a problem. What irritates me a little is growing fatter. It irritates me that if I eat what I want to eat, it shows.

Before Darwin, our world was very religious. People saw altruism as something given by God for us to be good so that we could go to Paradise.

The reason of my life is not to be the most beautiful woman in the world.

If you look at most beauty advertisements, you would think that makeup is only for beautiful women in their early twenties.

Food is a big part of my culture, so everyone knows how to cook. When I came to America and asked a babysitter to softboil an egg for my son and she didn't know how, I was shocked.

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