J. D. Martinez

J. D. Martinez


United States

Baseball player

QUOTES BY J. D. Martinez

Everyone here has a right to their own political beliefs and everybody has the right to stand by what they believe in. That's what makes us American.

I love my story. I wouldn't change it. It gives it character. It's never been on a silver spoon.

I had to lower my hands, I had to work my hips a different way. I also had to stride to get the power. I'd always been a standstill hitter and had to generate power from my upper body. Basically, I had to change everything I was doing. It was really difficult.

You can say baseball's fun, you're in the big leagues, you get to come to a Major League field every day - and, yeah, that's great. I love it.

Rodney Linares really stuck his neck out in Greenville to play me, because they had their prospects, guys who they had invested money in.

I busted my butt in '15. Then in '16, I broke my arm running into a wall, so then I got scared of running into walls because I didn't want to get hurt again.

I've been on a bunch of teams in my career.

I want to win championships.

There aren't too many Mookie Betts, Mike Trouts or Bryce Harpers out there to be grabbed. Those players only come around once every 10 years.