J. J. Watt

J. J. Watt


United States



There's no greater feeling in the world than when you can put a smile on somebody's face just by walking into a room. It's unbelievable. And if I have that power, who am I to waste it, you know?

If you don't have that vision for the end goal, you have no clue where you're going, and you're going to work very hard to go nowhere.

What I remember most about high school are the memories I created with my friends.

A reputation takes years and years and years to build, and it takes one press of a button to ruin it. Don't let that happen to you. You've done so much work; you've put in so much effort. Don't let one moment ruin your entire life because you wanted to be funny or you were mad or because you had a mood.

I will always do what I can to help others, but when I retire, I want to be a dad and a husband. I want a house and a dog in the yard. I want to have barbecues.

My family is a middle-class family. When I grew up and learned how much it actually cost for us to play hockey, I could not believe that my parents let us play as long as they did.

If you want to be remembered as great, if you want to be a legend, you have to go out there every single day and do stuff.

A sack is way better than any nightclub. A touchdown is way better than any bar experience I've ever had.

When it comes down to that moment, when it's me against you, you know in your head whether you worked hard enough. You can try to lie to yourself. You can try to tell yourself that you put in the time. But you know - and so do I.