J. K. Simmons

J. K. Simmons


United States


QUOTES BY J. K. Simmons

You can't play a guy who's just a snake, because what do you draw on?

Seriously, who doesn't want to slap a 27-year-old movie star?

If you are lucky enough to have a parent or two alive on this planet, call them. Don't text; don't e-mail. Call them on the phone.

There's a kind of numbness, a sameness, a lack of motivation in 'good job' culture.

I don't respond to authority figures who abuse their authority.

A lot of the stuff about white-supremacist groups was very family-friendly: 'We just love our people.' One the surface, you go, 'Gee, what's wrong with loving your people?' But when you love your people to the exclusion of everything else that's remotely different, that's when you get into trouble.

I read 'Whiplash,' and I wanted to do it.

My full name's Jonathan Kimble, but my parents didn't want to call me either. So for a while, I went by Kim, which is a name for a girl or a Korean person.

My understanding, from what I've learned so far about Commissioner Gordon, is that he's the older guy with the mustache who relates with our hero in a certain way.