Jacky Rosen

Jacky Rosen


United States


QUOTES BY Jacky Rosen

Human trafficking is a communitywide problem, and as such, it requires communitywide solutions.

Aside from introducing and supporting legislation to help close the gender gap in STEM, I believe that shining the spotlight on female role models is one of the best ways we can break the gender stereotype.

We must be vigilant in protecting Nevada's outdoor heritage and make this a top priority.

Broadband access is important for everyone, for telemedicine, for telehealth, for communicating.

I've seen firsthand the dramatic savings that solar energy can generate.

I usually get up early because I like the quiet time in the morning to have my coffee, and I look at the news of the day, and give myself a chance to wake up.

We have a moral obligation to raise awareness and educate those around us so we can create a world where human trafficking is a thing of the past, and bring these human rights violations to an immediate end.

Nevada is a small state. I think we're doing well trying to diversify and grow and understanding that it takes time. We're going to have to continue to do that while continuing to support the thing that we're most famous for, being the entertainment capital of the world.

I graduated high school in 1974 when Roe v. Wade had only just been passed. Ms. Magazine was only just starting, and women were really feeling empowered to pursue their dreams and their careers, and I was excited to enter a new field of technology.