Jake Arrieta

Jake Arrieta


United States


QUOTES BY Jake Arrieta

Time flies really quickly. It feels like only a few months ago that I was traded over here and started my career as a Cub in 2013.

I'm extremely hairy. It pretty much connects from the top of my head to my toes with a nice upper body sweater/track jacket type of thing.

I try to start every day with some sort of vegetable and fruit juice before I eat any kind of solid food. Because that really jump starts your body and digestive system with the high content of micronutrients that your body needs.

There were so many things in Baltimore not many people know about. I had struggles with my pitching coach. A lot of guys did.

You rarely see any blowout games.

We're tested eight, nine times a year - blood tested, urine tested, so I mean, if people think I'm doing something, tell them to increase the testing.

The contract stuff will work itself out. If we keep winning, those kinds of things all work themselves out in time.

I could be 30 pounds heavier if I played football. But I play baseball, and I do Pilates.

It is good to kind of put your pride aside for the betterment of the ball club. We are all on board for that, even if you want to go another inning.