Jamal Murray

Jamal Murray




QUOTES BY Jamal Murray

Meditation is about breathing, it's about clarity, taking your time and not rushing through your thinking.

The main thing is being consistent, being efficient and getting good looks, moving the ball when you can and knocking down my free throws.

I had surgery on my core muscles. They were ripping apart.

My dad is the person who taught me how important the mental side of the game is. He studied kung fu growing up and he taught me how to meditate when I was a kid.

I just go out there and play basketball. I'm not worried about missing. I just got to be thinking about the next shot.

I want everyone to know: You can play basketball in Canada and you can still get to where you need to go.

Meditation helps me see things clearer. When things are going fast, it helps me slow them down.

I know how to come off a handoff and a pin down.

Favorite rap album? Damn. Lil Wayne's mixtapes... He got a lot of good mixtapes like 'Da Drought 3.'