James Haskell

James Haskell


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY James Haskell

If you want bigger arms, target the triceps, not the biceps.

There's no doubt that 'the plank' is one of the best core exercises on the planet.

If you want to build a larger physique that actually makes you look like you lift, you need to train your shoulders, back, triceps, glutes, and legs more frequently. You probably also need to suck it up and train them harder than you ever have before if you want them to grow.

I've been written off more times than some of the government's tax returns but I just keep plodding along.

As soon as you're put on a pedestal, you're easily knocked off it.

I'm obsessed by coffee.

Frittatas are delicious, convenient, and can even be eaten cold - perfect if you're working against the clock to make your morning meeting.

People talk a lot about the Welsh fans but English supporters are also among the world's best.

I've always felt Twickenham has a special aura.