James McBride

James McBride


United States


QUOTES BY James McBride

People don't realize you're blowing over changes, time changes, harmony, different keys. I mark a point in my solo where it's got to peak at point D I go to A, B, C D then I'm home.

Atticus Finch is, you know, he was just his whole - the business of his modesty and his ability to see tomorrow and to try to buttress his knowledge of what was coming for his kids was something that I'll never - as a father I'm not able to do.

Every time I see something about the Wild West, I'm reminded that our version of history may not be what really happened.

I don't like living around too many fancy-pantsy folks. That ain't my thing. I'm not into phony people.

People call him a terrorist, but you can use language to do many things and say many things about people, but John Brown was a hero.

James Brown's life was really a metaphor for our inability to talk about matters like race and class in America.

I don't like a bunch of writers sitting around, puffing smoke, they like this book, he wrote this - tell me a dirty joke, you know. It's just not my style, I've never been that kind of person.

Until you expose the cancer, you can't fix it.

James Brown was the Monday-to-Friday guy. He was the hardest man in show business. He was like your dad and your uncle: He showed up, and he hit hard.