Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Jeffrey Dean Morgan


United States


QUOTES BY Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Persistence pays off.

Showing fear is like having comedic timing because I think actors have a tendency to go way over the top with it, and that sort of loses steam for what's going on. The audience sees right through that and laughs at you, so it is something that I'm aware of.

Once I got over my initial butterflies, being in the same room and doing a scene with Jimmy Caan was great. I never backed down for one second against him. I loved it. I love those moments. Working with people like that is the greatest joy you can get as an actor.

I feel like every day I'm exceedingly lucky.

Since Chris Albrecht took over the network, I think more and more people are finding Starz. He made HBO what HBO became, and now he's doing the same thing at Starz.

There's that rule, don't work with kids and animals. There's a reason for that!

I don't think that I'm as big as Lobo is, but if you could, like, transplant Mickey Rourke's body on my head, that would be just great.

I love Bill Murray, but I'm not quite Bill Murray. I wish!

I'm just looking always for characters that change, because I want to get better, as an actor and as a person.

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