Jess Phillips

Jess Phillips


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Jess Phillips

For a party of the left to win, people have to have believe that government, the state, can be on their side. When I was a young mother, Sure Start and tax credits weren't just a financial lifeline, they represented hope.

My family is just like most other families - we rise and fall on good and bad government policy. Politics affects us all.

If you cut me I bleed Birmingham. Others would say it's being a woman, but coming from Birmingham is the single most important part of my identity. I'm not always sure I feel English or British, but I always feel like a Brummie.

I loathe and detest people who pretend they don't care what people think about them as if that is a virtue, when it is simply rude.

I am manic and that leads me to behave badly at times.

I made a decision to stop feeling envious of other people, to crack on with my life and stop comparing myself with others.

Growing up with my father was like growing up with Jeremy Corbyn. He still hasn't rejoined the party; it's not left wing enough for him.

Fear and hatred can be the things that drive you. I don't always think of fear as a bad thing, it gives you fight-or-flight.

To be honest, I've always been forthright.