Jessica Mendoza

Jessica Mendoza


United States


QUOTES BY Jessica Mendoza

When you think about success - whether it be in softball, getting into college or becoming an 'American Idol' singer - whatever your goals and aspirations are, you're going to have to stand out at some point if you want to succeed.

Doubt is what I see with a lot of women, we doubt ourselves. Whether it's because we think we're too fat or ugly or not smart enough, our gender puts ourselves down. But we need to own exactly who we are.

Being in New York for 10 days during the World Series and appearing on a bunch of shows, I felt like it was a trial run to have more of a studio presence. The more consistently I started to do it, the more I grew to love it. It allows me to push baseball ideas and content in a bunch of different places.

If you truly want to be great, don't get caught up in what has been done before or who has done it.

If anyone knows women, we like a lot of different things and we're not predictable. We definitely don't fall into a cookie-cutter mold. And I think that's one of the coolest things about us. You never know what's coming next.

The beauty of a game like softball is you're failing every day. You might have a .300 batting average, but you're still failing seven out of 10 times. But you're still good.

Own your differences and don't always try to fit in. The more unique you are, the more you stand out.

A female voice can automatically trigger a reaction. The reasons why? Sound is the initial thing, and I've had people tell me that.

The Olympic Games are the greatest sporting event in the world.