Jessie Reyez

Jessie Reyez




QUOTES BY Jessie Reyez

I love being in the woods, when I can just walk barefoot in the grass and just sit down and breathe. I love that so much.

My demons are not that easy to shake.

I think life would be a lot easier if people were able to stand in their mistakes and not backtrack. If you did something wrong, own it. Like, hold your own.

I'm just happy to know that no part of me thinks that I made it. Everything in me says you need to keep going, keep working.

I feel like humans, when you're faced with decisions, you can go up and down: duality.

Someone can be miles away, but if they're in your heart, that means they're locked in your head, too.

You just need to create and be open with that energy. The second that you are precious with it, it's almost like you showing the world you have a limited amount.

I'm all about polarities and juxtapositions.

I ended up moving to Miami and bartending, but the party atmosphere is a black hole down there. People party all the time, and if you're working in the industry, you're sleeping all day and at the club all night, day after day.