Jill Ellis

Jill Ellis


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Jill Ellis

There's always things you can refine and polish.

To be respectful to opponents is to play hard against them.

Coaches understand that pressure is part of the rush of coaching. The challenge of trying to outplay your opponent is part of the fun, the adrenaline, the preparation, seeing your team evolve. It's why coaches become coaches.

You've got to make sure you're listening to the people that are important to listen to. And then everything else, you kind of have to tune out and do your thing.

You've got to turn over every stone; you've got to look for every advantage. You need to make sure you're doing everything you possibly can, not just on the field but off it, to give your team an advantage - from having a sleep expert coming to talk to your team to having an independent analysis of your team done.

I have a lot of fond memories of my life in England.

When you have a group of players with self-belief... nine times out of 10, players can be very talented to make the roster, but they need that quality, and it is pivotal at a World Cup.

I went into coaching never worrying about what I was coaching for other than trying to make sure that I can prepare my team, select my team, have an amazing staff around me.

I have a tremendous staff around me. It's a really good family vibe in terms of our environment.