Jimi Manuwa

Jimi Manuwa


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Jimi Manuwa

I love apple crumble and custard - that's my little treat.

I enjoy healthy foods but I'm not scared to have a cheat meal or cheat day, have a burger or whatever.

I dunno - there's always a beast that comes out whenever I want it to... I can control the beast and everything, but it comes out when I want to.

I'm a bit of a night owl, I'm always visiting the gym throughout the night.

When I'm champion, I'll fight the best because I am the best.

I was introduced to money as a teenager, my friends had nice things. It came naturally to me to try and make money.

I like all styles of MMA, my first classes in the sport were BJJ but I prefer to stand up.

I'm a knockout specialist who comes to fight and who's exciting to watch.

At school, I was a lot more advanced compared to the other kids but I didn't like authority and was kicked out for fighting.