Jimmer Fredette

Jimmer Fredette


United States


QUOTES BY Jimmer Fredette

People have different opinions of your career and how you've played and all that, and they're entitled to their opinions.

People see the scoring, and oftentimes, that's all they think about with me, but I try to get better at all aspects my the game and become a better basketball player.

You've got to kind of speak things into existence if you really want them to happen.

Hopefully people see me as a great person, first of all.

I always look at the bathroom. If you have a nice bathroom in the hotel, then it's a nice hotel. It's all about the shower and the bathroom.

I know I can play in the NBA, and I can be a very good player in the NBA.

I don't let people affect me.

I've had opportunities to go out and play, but sometimes I haven't. It's been a mixture of both.

That's how I see myself, as a guy who can supply offense and help the team.