Joe Bonamassa

Joe Bonamassa


United States


QUOTES BY Joe Bonamassa

Greece was a muse. It inspired creativity in magical ways that I can't even begin to understand or explain.

I've always been a big fan of taking old songs and completely turning them on their head. Having no adherence to the fine tradition of the original version. Rearranging them and taking a different approach to them.

I have a 1969 Grammer Johnny Cash acoustic guitar, and it's so inspirational.

I don't think there's any music that you hear on the radio today that would be possible without Jimi Hendrix. Rock, blues-rock, heavy metal, any guitar stuff when you get right down to it - Jimi did it. He's certainly the guy who basically invented the blues-rock genre for guitar players.

That's the thing about the blues: It's one thing to hit a note on a guitar. To make it matter is something else altogether.

To sell out London's Hammersmith Apollo is amazing. Selling it out for two nights? Even better.

That's where the Black Keys and Jack White have succeeded and I've failed: They've actually convinced college kids that they're listening to hip music - but it's just blues twisted a new way - while I'm playing for the college kid's parents.

I've never been known as a riff kind of artist.

If you have a good riff with a vocal as well, then it becomes a devastating song. That's why people love riff-rock: it's the ultimate air guitar music.