Joe Flacco

Joe Flacco


United States


QUOTES BY Joe Flacco

I assume everybody thinks they're a top-five quarterback. I mean, I think I'm the best. I don't think I'm top five, I think I'm the best. I don't think I'd be very successful at my job if I didn't feel that way.

I have a great relationship with Special Olympics back in Baltimore and have had one for many years.

In order to make it in this league, period, you have to be able to tune out some things and believe in yourself and go play.

We tend to just think about how hard it is to never have thrown to a guy. That is true, every guy has their own way of doing things and you build a rapport with guys throughout the course of the year and throughout practice and all of that.

In so many ways, when you're in college, you're even closer with the locker room than you are with a professional team.

I have a tough time beating around the bush and just saying something you want to hear. I kind of say it how it is, even if I don't realize that's maybe not what I should say at the moment.

It always gets you going when you get hit for the first time. It reminds you that you play football.

There's always that training camp feeling that comes back to you when you're getting ready to go.

No matter how well or how bad you play, when you have a chance of winning and you come up a little bit too short, it obviously hits you a little bit. It stinks.