Joe Harris

Joe Harris


United States


QUOTES BY Joe Harris

You get a lot of accommodations for being on scholarship, but there is too much money floating around in the NCAA to not be giving it to the people earning it.

Steph is the greatest shooter of all time. Shooting off the rack is not indicative of being a better shooter than Steph Curry.

I kind of look like I work in a Brooklyn coffee shop.

There's teams that have a lot of success in the back-to-back, and I think those teams just have a strong mental fortitude.

My hometown, first and foremost, it's one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. A beautiful lake town. It's one of those communities where, winter rolls around, it's exactly the same as any other small town in America. Sort of a lower socio-economic area. There isn't anything high-end necessarily anywhere around there.

Kyrie, he's got a big personality. He's one of these guys that's misunderstood. The way that he's construed in the media is probably going to paint him in a light that is not necessarily true. I'd say you could ask a lot of people that played with him and they'd all say that he's a great teammate and a good guy to be around.

I come from a town in Washington state that might not be too familiar to Clevelanders called Chelan. It's really beautiful. It's about two-and-a-half hours east of Seattle and two-and-a-half hours west of Spokane. It's right in the middle of the state.

Shooting's contagious: Guys start seeing the ball go in and everybody starts to feel good.

Kyrie is a good guy. Spent a lot of time with him over the years because we were the same class in high school and ACC when he was at Duke. Then I was with him my rookie year in Cleveland.