Joe Lycett

Joe Lycett


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Joe Lycett

Every year I buy a big faux-fur coat for the winter.

It's a cliche, but the people who enjoy your work and who come up and say, 'I enjoyed that and I liked that,' they are the people who ultimately are keeping you in work. And so, it would be rude and ungrateful of me to be anything but polite.

I've got really into gardening.

Every hairstyle I have is funny because my barber is a standup comedian by the slightly unfortunate name of Paul Sweeney. His cuts are fantastic but the chats are even better.

My parents have always been very supportive and it hasn't been an issue. Mum worried I might get more problems in life because of my bisexuality but I think people are more liberal now.

I'm not sure if I'm an introvert or extrovert. I love being around people, but sometimes I do need to go off and fart.

I make a sensational chicken, chorizo and mung bean stew.

I'd love to grow a pair of discreet wings so I could just fly around a bit and impress people.

I nearly got hit by a car while I was trying to write a stupid joke but a female sheep stood in the way. I can't thank ewe enough.