Joe Sestak

Joe Sestak


United States


QUOTES BY Joe Sestak

Amateurs do tactics, experts do logistics, as we learn in the military.

When there's no light at the end of the tunnel, it's hard to keep things going.

One answer to transportation infrastructure funding is public-private partnerships.

Our 21st-century world is an incredibly dangerous one. Between brutal civil wars, violent extremism, spreading autocracy, rising inequality, territorial expansionism, election interference, and nuclear proliferation, our policymakers have their hands full.

The Democratic Party has been perceived to have a deficit of credibility on defense issues since the Vietnam War, unfairly or not.

During my years in the Navy and in the White House, I was involved in assessing how a war with Iran would go. In summary: It would be ugly.

When all Americans believe that the people we elect deserve to be in power, that their conduct in office is worthy of respect, and that they can be held accountable for their decisions, our politics will finally be worthy of our great people.

In the Navy, I slept mere feet from a nuclear reactor, so I have no knee-jerk opposition to traditional reactors.

In the military, we just don't leave fights.