David Jeremiah

David Jeremiah


United States


QUOTES BY David Jeremiah

Forgiveness prompted by love is the only way to repair the devastation that so often mars our relationships.

Within seconds thoughts become words that slip off our tongue and into the world. Pausing before we speak may seem cumbersome, but it allows us to decide: Is this helpful? Does this need to be said now? What is the best way to say this?

We may go to church once a week, but our Christian life is daily - step-by-step.

When the peace of God follows the purity of God's wisdom into our hearts and lives, it will affect those around us.

If you face a challenging task from God today, ask yourself, "How would Jesus handle this?" Then go and do the same.

If we ask God for a calm, thankful heart that sees all the blessings His grace imparts, He can teach us many lessons in illness that can never be learned in health.

In a world that contains tragedies, we must realize that they’re vastly outnumbered by blessings

If your world today seems confusing, be comforted by the words of the prophets of God who have told you what the future holds for you as a child of God.

We don't know what will happen tomorrow, but one thing is guaranteed-God's overarching care for His children. We can be sure enough of that. In a world where nothing is sure, He is sure.