Johanna Konta

Johanna Konta


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Johanna Konta

I love potatoes - roast potatoes, mashed potatoes - I just love potatoes.

If you are able to enjoy what you do and doing it the best that you can, then you're on the right track.

I look to constantly be a better version of myself every time I step out on court. That has come out with some good wins and good things on paper, but if my ranking were to drop or to rise, it wouldn't affect my goals or how I want to keep improving.

When I go into the gym, I'm working on getting my muscles stronger, and I try to treat my mind in the same manner.

There are always going to be distractions, push and shove between players. It's about rolling with the punches and enjoying every situation, good or bad.

If you keep a healthy state of mind, you give yourself a great chance to bring out the best in yourself.

I've always wanted to become a grand-slam champion and to become the best in the world. Without that, the victories aren't as sweet or the defeats as motivating.

I would love to get my parents a house somewhere or a place in the country.

I don't really listen to music before I go on court.